Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Class report -languages

There are 17 students in our class. 3 of them have Chinese as a first language, 2 students have Korean as a mother language, 1 - Japanese, 1 - Romanian, 1 - Russian, 1 - French, 1 - Ukrainian, 1 - Dari, 1 - Urdu, 1 - FARSI, 1 - Arabic, 1 - Amharic, 1 - Thai. For the most people of our class the second language is English, but one student has the Russian and another one has the Kikongo as a second language.
Our classmates have studied English for a different length of time - from some years to 6 month. The big number of students (9) have learnt English more than 2 years and only 3 people have spend less then 2 years learning English.
Students of our class have studied English different ways. The most popular way of learning English is informal study. Students have being living in New Zealand and work here for some years. 4 classmates began to learn English from 9 to 6 month ago. The plans are also different. 11 students are going to continue their study at Unitec or University. The other reason of learning English is improving their skills. 2 people have weakness in speaking English, 2 - in listening, 2 - in vocabulary. The most people in our group are not good at writing. 3 of us have strengths in speaking, 1 - in grammar, 2 - in writing. Nobody has confessed that listening is his(her) strength.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

About me

I am Valeriya Tarasenko.I come from Russia.My home town is Stavropol which is situated in the South of my country. It is quiet and clean town with friendly people. Stavropol is the main town of Stavropol area, which is famous for spa resorts.
I have been in New Zealand only three weeks. And I am an international student.I am going to study English language for one year.
I am interested in music and I also love to do exercises in the gym.I like to watch TV. I haven't got any pets but I like dogs and cats.
I am married.My family is not big. My husband is a builder.I also have got two children - a daughter and a son. My daughter's name is Mariya.She is 12. She studies art at school and she is good at dancing.My son's name is Roman.He is a musician and often performs in a band.Both of my children study English. Unfortunately all my family is in Russia and I am missing about them.
I am a speech therapist. I graduated Stavropol pedagogical institute in 1994. After that I worked in a kindergarten for 6 years. Then I was a housewife. I am going to do a Diploma of English language for 1 year. After that I am going to pass an IELTS test and do a Bachelor of teaching ( Early childhood Education).
My first language is Russian and my second language is English. I have been learning English for 2 years in a language school in Stavropol. I chose English because it is an international language and my family plan to immigrate to New Zealand.
I have passed an IELTS test in Russia but I am not very good at listening and speaking because I haven't got any experience. I haven't been in other countries but I have visited my friends in Napier. It is a beautiful place. We went to the Botanical Garden and National Aquarium. I like this town.